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Girls in CS Panel Notes
What I learned from alumni visits to the Girls in CS Panel
Personal Connections:
Through this panel, I learned about the various applications of computer science in different STEM majors, and I found the panelists’ perspectives of how CS classes have impacted their lives to be fascinating. I now know a lot more about the college application process, as well as how to write successful applications and how to explain all of the projects I have created in a portfolio website of my choosing. I also am inspired to create my own portfolio using my Computer Science Principles projects so far, as well as reach out to other institutes regarding ways to create new and cutting-edge programs. Finally, I learned about flowcharts and Draw.io and considered how to incorporate them into future Kanban planning and website schematics.
Why caused you to pursue CS?
- Fulfilment of working on and finishing a project
- Ability to be proud of working code that can contribute to society
- Learning about CS is an extension of learning about cybersecurity (personal connection)
How important is it to talk about projects with teachers and peers?
- In college, you have to explain to how your code is supposed to work to TAs
- Very similar to live reviews!
- Explaining what you want to do allows other people to help you accomplish your goals
- Presentation skills are very important
- In order to get into clubs in college, you need to apply and be able to talk about your achievements
- Flowcharts, issues, and Agile Methodology
- Draw.io for Flowcharts
- Need to be able to take suggestions with an open mind
College Admissions: What was your college application process? How did you decide what you want to do?
- Chose Purdue after getting in smh
- Applications:
- Don’t wait until the last second to submit applications
- In college applications, discuss projects –> combine technical and social (ethical) aspects in essays to add depth
- Look at the classes for the majors
- After you write a bunch of essays, you can just adapt
- Force yourself to start
- Sometimes, not going to Ivys is better because of AP transfer and early graduation
- Community is very helpful when working on
- When deciding colleges:
- Determine: do you enjoy collaborative projects?
- Look at specific majors for universities and what they offer
Is there anything you wish you would have done in high school? + Future Advice
- Take community college courses with dual enrollment –> those credits will transfer to almost every college
- In college, don’t focus on GPA
- Focus on projects and hands-on technical skills for internships and jobs
- Extracurriculars:
- Built a lot of websites which carried on further into university at Purdue (great way to make connections in jobs)
- Science Olympiad
- CyberPatriot!!! + Northropp Grumann Internships
- Research in UCSD
- Don’t join a bunch of clubs just because, only do what you really are passionate about
- Internships:
- Message recruiters on Linkedin
- Go for smaller startups to get the job experience
- Build a portfolio website to summarize the projects you have done over time (more than just a resume)
- First summer internship does not need to be connected to your major, but second does
- Go to the career fairs
How do your pure CS skills translate to your engineering majors? (my question)
- Most things actually use code now (ex. physics labs in jupyter notebooks)
- Working with code is very much involved in engineering because though the real challenge will come from the engineering, but the coding is what you finally build upon.